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Why To Use GIS Technology In Dubai?

· GIS Technology

With GIS technology, There is so much that you can do, the most common example is making coatings with information showing all kinds of different variables of a community to help advise decision-makers and inform the public. Making a graphic representation and sharing with the public, this data confidently occurs somewhere in the city will support drive action and update decisions. A valuable application would be to see how many available houses are in the city, and map that with educational levels, income, etc., For example, my hometown could use (and publicize) housing information.

GIS can be used to help expand transparency at all stages of government. GIS recognizes at-risk groups and is used to help manage the serious resources of the community. Information can be rapidly shared and reorganized in real-time. We are seeing a lot of effects is in crisis management as GIS has several applications. During an emergency, Officials need to be able to fast assign and collaborate with GIS technology. With modern technology, this is now easier to do than ever before. This information permits decision-makers to expand their decision-making with GIS technology.

But that is just the start, here are Top 10 advantages of GIS:

  • A better decision by government officials.
  • Immediate association through the cloud.
  • Layer complex data to drive expand decision making.
  • Enhanced transparency for citizen engagement.
  • Recognize at-risk or under-served populations inside a community.
  • Enhanced distribution of resources and planning.
  • Management of natural resources.
  • Enhanced communications throughout a crisis.
  • Cost savings by enhanced decision-making.
  • Planning for demographic modifications to the community.

GIS-based maps and visualizations significantly assist in understanding situations and storytelling.

They are a new language that expands communication between departments, different teams, professional fields, disciplines, organizations, and the public.

A location is planned for the success of an organization, people are opening to understand that making the correct decision. Through GIS can make a better decision about location. Basic examples are route/corridor selection, planning, conversation, real estate site selection, natural resource extraction, etc.


With GIS technology we can make a better decision about location. A valuable application would be to see how many available houses are in the city, and map that with educational levels, income, etc. GIS companies can be used to help expand transparency at all stages of government.