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What is Drone Surveying? What are the benefits?

· drone surveying

Drones are continually showing how powerful commercial tools it is, also offering adopters leaps of safety and efficiency. The mapping and surveying are no exception. With the ability to capture data from above, these have been used successfully in surveying work flows to conduct land surveys, 3D mapping, drone topographic survey, and more.  

Whether you are an experienced surveyor who wants to expand your toolkit or want to know how to use the drone for land surveying. This article will let you know the benefits of using it for surveying.  

Increased accuracy  

A series of HD images are taken at various angles, enabling the drone to create numerable accurate data points. These data points include enabling 3D models of the land or sites, elevation points, and geo-references. Drone data can also provide accurate distances and volumetric measurements within two to three centimeters and up to one centimeter GSD.  

Reduced manpower  

During a traditional survey, multiple teams might be present. But this labor force can be reduced with the help of drones.You can avoid human error while saving more time and money in terms of rework and labor costs.  

Unaffected on-site work  

As drones can capture aerial data, the operation can continue on the ground with very little or no interference from drones asthey survey the land. This is the case for consequent progression and initial surveys.  


Surveying using traditional methods might takeup to weeks to complete. But with a drone surveying service and mapping service, it takes just 5 minutes faster. Not just this reduces the time spent waiting for these reports before the process can happen. But it also reduced labor costs drastically.  

Improved safety  

With all safety issues around the site, land surveying can be very dangerous. With drones, you don’t need surveyors to traverse unknown terrain and it can avoid risky situations like as on rocky terrains and rail lines.  

Improved videos and graphics  

Visual matters. With the help of theorthomosaic feature, survey plans can be integrated and the data looks morerealistic. The images and videos can be an excellent resource for a public outreach related to a project.  

Using a drone for land surveying can be transformed, it can complete different surveys in just a fraction of time. Itcan identify property assets and boundaries in cadastral surveying. It can also establish land ownership with the top level of accuracy.  

To know more about how drones can be used tohelp your projects. Contact us at Falcon 3D Me.