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Importance of Concrete Scanning

· Concrete Scanning

Preserve the structural integrity of the concrete, reduce personnel injury risk, and eliminate costly mid-project repairs with Falcon 3D’s Concrete Scanning and Inspection Services. It is a must before conducting concrete coring in Dubai due to the inherent risk of striking rebar, electrical conduits, or post-tension cables during the cutting, coring, or drilling process of a concrete structure.


Companies who provide Core Cutting Services in Dubai frequently make use of the safe and non-invasive GPR technology to identify the location and the depth of any embedded object in the concrete before cutting or coring it. In this article, we have briefly discussed the benefit of concrete scanning and why is it important for all Core Drilling Companies in Dubai.

Avoid Accidents

With Concrete Scanning, trained technician can safely locate and identify any rebar or post-tension cables within the concrete to avoid any accidents, injuries, or delay in the concrete drilling process.

Prevent Power Outages

Cutting an electrical conduit can pose a safety hazard to the people working there. Prevent safety risks, power outages, and costly damages by identifying the accurate locations of electrical conduits in the ground with Concrete Scanning.

Analyze the Concrete

For safe and efficient concrete coring, engineers should conduct Concrete Scanning to measure the thickness of the concrete, determine the rebar content, and gauge the spacing and elevation of the slab.

Avoid Concrete Collapse

Voids are air gaps that have developed over a period of time as a result of compaction, pipe ruptures, or erosion. With Concrete Scanning, you can detect voids in a timely manner to avoid the untimely collapse of the concrete structure.

Falcon 3D Middle East arms you with the best products in the industry for Concrete Scanning and Inspection Services. To know more about their product offerings, please visit.